National School Choice Week is a celebration every year in the last week of January. It’s a non-partisan initiative to raise public awareness about educational options, while underscoring the need for even more opportunities. As part of National School Choice week, we’re celebrating the many reasons why homeschool.
School Choice: Why Homeschool?
We love homeschooling. It’s a great educational opportunity to consider! Whether you’re in it for a little while or the long haul, we’re celebrating our freedom to choose home education.
There's not a one-size-fits-all option for education. We celebrate our school choice: why homeschool works for us. Homeschooling rocks!Click To TweetAcademic Reasons
Many homeschool families choose homeschooling for greater control over academics. Education is about learning about the world around you, but also learning about how you fit into the world. We want to personalize and individualize the education to the student.
- There are some with religious preferences; Others with non-religious preferences.
- Some who want more diversity in their curriculum.
- Some who are ready to work ahead and want to eliminate the busywork.
- Many who want to delve deeply into their child’s interests. We can fan the flames of their natural curiosity.
“I chose to homeschool because my son didn’t really fit in a “one size fits all” box. He’s academically ahead a few levels but he’s just in kindergarten. I like knowing what and how he’s learning.” ~Anna K.
“I am homeschooling this year because of COVID. It has been such a blessing to be able to focus on what my son NEEDS rather than a prescribed curriculum.” ~Lisa R.
“She asked to homeschool so she could work at her own pace and spend more time on what interested her.” ~Stephanie B.
“We’re so glad we went with homeschooling because my boys are ahead in some subjects. We have time to figure out what they need additional work or start something new.” ~Amber H.
” I wanted to teach to each child’s ability until mastery of a skill so each could grow at their own pace” ~Bethany B.
“I love being able to work at her pace and focus on her interests.” ~Nicole M.
“The world is our classroom.” ~Cola City Homeschoolers
Schedule Reasons
Many homeschool families choose homeschooling for greater control over their schedule. Simplfying and streamlining the schedule is another benefit of homeschooling. The parent/teacher controls the pace of the assignments and knows the attention span of the learner.
- Some rise early; Others sleep in.
- Some do schoolwork during the normal school hours; Others don’t.
- We can combine ages/gradelevels to work together on projects, at their appropriate ability levels.
- Many unique scheduling difficulties with traditional school that put strain on the families. Homeschooling solves that.
“She’s never been a school fan, but now she likes learning and asks to continue on when we we’ve reached stopping points.” ~Beth N.
“Flexibility of letting the kids wake up naturally on their own at 7:15 instead of waking them up at 6:30. Also enjoy the free time for play, and ability to take a subject and go off on a tangent.” ~Charlene B.
“I appreciate that we’re able to set a structured day that works for our family.” ~Dee M.
“I just want to be able to spend as much time with my children as I can.” ~Maggie M.
“Best thing about homeschooling: the gift of time.” ~Alecia S.
“I love being with my boys and watching them discover new things. We have so much more time for them to try new things and go explore new places. We love field trips. As hard as it is, I love homeschooling.” ~Angela H.
“Every day is a learning day. It’s actually really hard to go a whole day without learning anything. All learning counts too!” ~SC TOP Association director
Well-Being Reasons
Many homeschool families choose homeschooling for their overall mental and emotional well-being. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs says we all need physical and emotional safety and security before we can be productive and creative. Homeschooling can offer a way to prioritize health and happiness.
- Some struggle with bullying or falling into the “wrong” crowd.
- Some are dealing with anxiety over the pressure to perform.
- Some have ongoing medical issues that misses class time/seat time.
- Some with neurodiverse development require additional accommodations for their success.
- Some situations resolve with a short-term refocus; Others continue on through high school graduation.
“The best part of homeschooling for us is being free to allow the kiddos actual brain development to be our prompt for when it’s time to explore new areas. He does most of his learning with a smile on his face and nothing could be better!” ~Chelsta H.
“Our daughter has more control over her pacing and curriculum and more flexibility with the school day. She feels less stress and the anxiety and tears have ended.” ~Kathy C.
“I love seeing the confidence in my son increase and his reading has come a long way.” ~Rachel R.
“I was tired of bucking the system that (I feel) was going the wrong direction.” ~Lynn G.
“Covid hit. Best decision ever. Both my kids are happier.” ~Ivana C.
“We have consistency for our ADHD son this year, and he’s been a much happier kid.” ~Cassie R.
Homeschooling isn’t right for everyone. There’s not a one-size-fits-all option for education. We celebrate our school choice: why homeschool works for us. Homeschooling rocks!
Read more about how to Homeschool Like A Pro:
The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your ChildWhy America Needs School Choice (Encounter Broadsides)
Diverse Families, Desirable Schools: Public Montessori in the Era of School Choice
The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activitis to Nurture Developing Minds (Practical Excercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture)
Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic (Spirited Series)
Parenting Is Hard and Then You Die: A Fun but Honest Look at Raising Kids of All Ages Right
You, Your Child, and School: Navigate Your Way to the Best Education
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education
Reclaiming Our Students: Why Children Are More Anxious, Aggressive, and Shut Down Than Ever―And What We Can Do About It
It caught my attention when you said that some have ongoing medical issues so they miss class time. My nephew has been dealing with severe asthma attacks these past few months. My sister mentioned that her son is being left behind, and this has been a yearly issue. I will ask her to consider checking out the homeschooling curriculum so her son could be more cared for while learning at home.
Let me know if you have any other questions about getting started. I’m happy to help.