Each year, accountability associations send their homeschool numbers reports to each school district. For many years, I’ve wondered where do those numbers go from there? Does anyone tally up the total number in the state? How could we find out the total?
Well, someone at the Department of Education actually has it–and gave me a copy.
The SC Department of Education conducted a survey to collect these numbers from the school districts. And here we have graphed the results from 2014-2015. The total number of homeschool students counted in the state of South Carolina was 16,815.
Disproportionate Homeschool Numbers
I can’t help but notice how disproportionate the numbers are. Homeschoolers already know that most of us are homeschooling under Option 3. And I think it’s time for us to talk about WHY we prefer 3rd Option.
Let me interrupt here to explain, in case you don’t know, what the three options mean. Option 1 homeschoolers are registered with their local school district. Option 2 homeschoolers are registered with one specific accountability association (SCAIHS). Option 3 homeschoolers are registered with one of 35 accountability associations. Click here to read more about accountability options.
Out of 81 school districts, only 94 students are registered with Option 1. Not one single district has more than 50 homeschoolers in it. Whereas 3rd Option associations are required to have a minimum of at least 50 students.
Public perception might presume the best educational opportunities occur under the school district’s oversight. Afterall, they are the experts in education, right?
Well, I chose the school district as my accountability for many years. I explain why I chose Option 1 in another post. In my experience (and others who tried Option 1), I found that the school district does not understand homeschooling. The district personnel are often ineffective–or even antagonistic–toward homeschoolers. School officials don’t have enough practice dealing with the alternative education of homeschooling.
Homeschooling is not school-at-home. Homeschoolers are not required to follow the state’s standards for scope and sequence. The records we maintain are likely formatted differently than certified teachers would format records. Option 2 and Option 3 associations understand these differences from the traditional public school system. Association directors and staff are experienced homeschoolers. They provide services and guidance–even encouragement–that just isn’t available in most of Option 1.
Homeschoolers overwhelmingly choose accountability that understands and values their approach to education.
Diversity in Homeschool Numbers
These numbers also indicate diversity. Option 2 is one single accountability association. Over 2,500 homeschoolers are choosing that association. The South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) enrolls more homeschool students than some public school districts enroll public school students. But, that one association could not effectively serve the total number of homeschoolers in South Carolina.
The SC law states that 3rd Option associations have to have at least 50 students–every year. Some 3rd Option associations accept members from across the state, just like SCAIHS does. These statewide groups have equally as many students. While other associations are smaller, local organizations serving a few hundred students.
Each association sets their paperwork requirements and additional services. Some stick to the minimum required by law, issuing just basic compliance documents. Parents who choose these type associations want the freedom for curriculum choices and carry the weight of responsibility for their own transcript preparation. Other associations offer extra services to assist parents who want more guidance along the way.
The variation is a reflection of the preferences among homeschoolers. Statewide or local. Religious or not. Added guidance or not. No one single group can claim to represent all homeschoolers. There’s diversity in religious backgrounds, political preferences, educational philosophies, racial identities, and lifestyle choices. The low maintenance Option 3 associations are better equipped to advise their participants than Option 1.
Homeschoolers choose the accountability option that accommodates and facilitates their unique necessities.
Dialogue about Homeschool Numbers
Most importantly, the numbers give us a jumping off point for meaningful dialogue.
In South Carolina, this is what the law prescribes. The parent registers their homeschool students with an association. Then they do not need to notify the school district at all. The association reports their enrollment numbers to the school districts where the students would be zoned to attend. The association’s compliance deadline is outlined in the law by the January 30th.
Some policy makers have suggested that homeschoolers need more compliance regulations. Critics suggest that it’s not enough for us to report just our attendance numbers. But, the question we should all be asking is “where do the numbers go after that?” The law doesn’t specify.
The numbers report is a SURVEY conducted by the SC Department of Education. Of the 81 districts, five districts list zero homeschool students in their attendance zone.
None under any of the homeschool options.
I personally prepared attendance reports as the director of a local 3rd Option. I sent my reports to two of those districts who claim zero. If I have uncounted students, then how many more are not counted on this survey? Plus, the title “survey” implies that these school districts are voluntarily surrendering their numbers. Where are the numbers for those districts? What does the district do with the numbers, if anything?
While we’ve got this dialogue going. What would they do with our information if we were reporting names and birthdates and addresses and test scores? What value would that information be to the school districts? Some of our attendance numbers are floating around unaccounted. Then, how secure would our private information be? Option 1 students already give that information to the district in their reporting process. It doesn’t seem to bring significant value to their participants.
Homeschoolers choose accountability that protects their privacy and freedom.
The policy makers, the critics and the general public needs to know. We’re not hiding in Option 3. We’re choosing it for a reason. The numbers tell WHY.
See the Complete List of Option 3 Associations
Read the SC Code of Laws

Wonderful write-up Kim. Thank you! 🙂
Thanks, Angela!
We are looking to move to the low country from MA by the end of the year. I’m having a hard time figuring out who/what to join for the compliance organization as that is different from our requirements. I only want a secular organization. Does it matter where the organization is based in SC? And is there any kind of discussion forum where I can get opinions? Thanks
Most of the accountability associations do not require any statement of faith. However, many are managed with faith-based leadership or linked to HSLDA (which has a faith-based premise). I guess it depends what you mean by secular–and what they mean by secular/inclusive.
It doesn’t matter where the association office is located, unless you want to meet up with the director/staff. Depends on what kind of support services you’d want from the association.
This is all the associations for you to compare. https://www.homeschoolingsc.org/resources-page/homeschool-associations/
Here’s a link to the facebook and yahoo groups–where you could ask for opinions from homeschoolers in that area.
If you’d like to message me: [email protected] I could talk with you more about what you’re looking for–and help narrow down the list to what you’re wanting.
I believe the numbers of homeschool families is much higher than this survey indicates. Homeschooling in SC is growing at a tremendous rate. I also turned in numbers to the districts reporting zero,
Right! It’s growing every year. This is the growth charted over the past 3 years. I didn’t see the district totals for the previous years. But, the total “estimates” for each year were included in the report I got.